For Registration: +91 9910302876


A+ Orthopaedic and Sports Med centre, Delhi and The Sports Medicine Unit at Sir Ganga Ram Hospitals conducted the “19th Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Workshop” in association with the Indian Arthroscopy Society and Indian Federation of Sports Medicine on this Sunday, 19th of March 2023. The meeting was well attended by over 130 delegates and 22 faculty members. The workshop In association with MediSage was virtually made accessible to the medical professionals who could not attend the workshop physically. The workshop that took place in Delhi, had great experts in the field of sports medicine who came together and discussed the “All around ACL–recent advancements”, with a focus on the latest advancements in ACL reconstruction.

The Organising Chairman, Prof. (Dr.) Prateek Kr. Gupta, Head of the Orthopaedic Sports Medicine unit of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital quoted that “ACL reconstruction workshops provided a valuable opportunity for medical professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in performing ACL reconstruction surgeries”.


Primary ACL Repair


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All inside ACL reconstruction


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Internal Bracing


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Scientific Deliberations

  • Primary ACL repair – Myth or reality?
  • All inside repair – Has it stood the test of time?
  • Variable loop – Is it as good as fixed loop?
  • ACL – Is it a rope or ribbon or double bundle?
  • Internal bracing – Is it a method of choice?
  • ACL Reconstruction in varus knee
  • Biologics in ACL Reconstruction

Video Technique Session

  • New kid on the block – CQT (Central Quadricep Tendon)
  • Is the gold standard now old? – BTB
  • A walkable option – Peroneus graft
  • Fixation techniques of various grafts

Panel Discussion

Case based Discussion

Live Surgeries

Hands-On Workshop

A – Hamstring tendon preparation

  • Cleaning of tendon
  • Baseball stitching
  • Strength testing of lstitch

B – Saw bone ACL Rleconstruction

  • ACLR using actual instruments
  • Fixed loop
  • Variable loop


Testimonial Post Slider

Dr. MC Saini (SMAW 2005)

Thanks Dr Parteek for introducing the concept of Sports medicine. The information about prevention of injury and Performance enhancement programme (PEP), playing gear with it’s importance and selection criteria were really beneficial. looking forward to more Sports Medicine & Arthroscooy Workshops.

Dr. Anil Tayal (SMAW 2006)

Basic Arthroscopy principles meeting of SMAW-2006 makes it easy to understand the concept and will go a long way for us to establish this modality in our own setups. Thanks

Dr. Rakesh dixit (SMAW 2007)

Shoulder made easy for us. Excellent meeting on shoulder issues, explained simply the mechanics of shoulder and how rationally to approach shoulder pain and not put every shoulder pain for rehab only. Will be very helpful for our practice

Dr. T P Singh (SMAW 2008)

Instability of Knee and ACL injury are common in our practice. How to pick them up early without Mri in our clinics and which one to operate and which ones to rehab is important concept addressed during this meeting. Enjoyed being there.

Dr. Amit Gupta (SMAW 2009)

Shoulder instability has long been treated by open surgery but time has come for arthroscopic stabilisation techniques to provide a comfortable and complete recovery from this problem. The tips and tricks shown in the live demo work in particularly were very helpful and we hope to use the technique for recurrent shoulder dislocation Stabilization in our practice. Thanks Dr Parteek Gupta

Dr. Suresh Gupta (SMAW 2010)

Common wealth Games being hosted this year by us in India, it is the most appropriate time to discuss the injuries of athlete specially the ligament injuries. The information on therapeutic utility exemption (TUE) form, on field assessment and management of sports injury was very helpful. Thanks

Dr. Nikunj Gupta (SMAW 2011)

Wrist and elbow injuries are common in the racket sports but such a comprehensive coverage of the subject and live demonstration of elbow arthroscopic surgery is a novelty. Knot tying technique workshop I attended was very useful . The meeting has help us to improve understanding about wrist and Elbow issues and will add to our practice.

Dr. Ravinder Singh Bisht (SMAW 2012)

The highlight of the meeting was Meniscus injury, one of the most commonly seen pathology and often treated by removal of the torn bit. For the first time we have discussed how it can be successfully treated by repair and how it helps to restore the function of the knee. Our athletic population would benefit greatly by preserving the Meniscus. The hands on workshop on Meniscus repair was very interesting . Thanks a lot.

Dr. Ramit Dhalla (SMAW 2013)

Comprehensive shoulder course both the scientific meeting and the cadaveric hands on workshop went very well hand in hand explaining the pathology of shoulder at one hand and on the other how to repair it in near life situation. Greatly help me in my understanding of shoulder issues.

Dr. Alok Gupta (SMAW 2014)

Patellar instability made simple is how I feel after attending the meeting. The à la cart approach to the offending structures make it fairly scientific in tackling this complex problem of patellar instability. The tips and tricks of the MPFL reconstruction demonstrated during the hands on workshop were very useful thanks a lot in putting up so much of effort and putting together such meetings and workshop.

Dr. Damandeep (SMAW 2015)

Brilliant combination of SMAW with shoulder and Elbow Society of India for this Shoulder & Elbow con 2015, it was a great idea. I thoroughly liked the SMAW shoulder instability session covering from the basic to the resent advancement in instability. Thanks a lot.

Dr. Rajesh Bhalla (SMAW 2016)

Paediatric Sports Injuries session was excellent, great talks on paediatric ACL surgery specially repair of ACL in children. The revision ACL surgery workshop was very hands on and informative as we are starting to see more and more revision cases in our clinics. All in all my day was well spent.

Dr. Rahul (SMAW 2017)

A comprehensive coverage of common shoulder pathologies, this time from assessment of shoulder to Arthroscopy followed by trauma and then finally Arthroplasty. Taking us through all possible treatment modalities and next plan in treatment of difficult shoulder issues. I have been following your SMAW sir for last four years and every time I am able to pick up something different and good, thanks.

Dr. BV Srivastava (SMAW 2018)

Orthobiologics and joint preservation science are the future of Orthopaedics. SMAW2018 has propagated the much-needed understanding of the subject. A conservative approach for the knee wether by Meniscus repair, Articular cartilage restoration or osteotomy around the knee, all were very well covered. Congratulations to team SMAW.

Dr. Rohit Elani (SMAW 2019)

A great shoulder and elbow conclave with a combination of SMAW and British shoulder and elbow society. A 360° view of shoulder and elbow with views from Indian and british shoulder exports is a rare experience sitting in our hometown. Very innovative and good meeting.

Dr. Santhosh (SMAW 2020)

Very nicely put together talks and scientific content for this SMAW specially on foot and hip joints. These joints we are able to address only partially with our present working knowledge. Today’s meeting has added new thoughts and procedures to my present armamentarium.

Dr. Priyanjal Jhakar (SMAW 2021)

In present difficult times a very neglected area has been focused by SMAW. The Acromioclavicular joint is mostly neglected and treated many a times with rehab alone. Today’s meeting made us all aware that ACJ is independent joint and needs a separate attention and this has a lot to do with the proper functioning of the upper limb, thanks for bringing it up.

Dr. Naveen Kumar K (SMAW 2022)

I attended SMAW-2022 UPPER LIMB WEB SYMPOSIA on ‘AC Joint Update’. It was an awesome and lively platform where I could get clear information from the pioneers in the field of Indian arthroscopy. The symposium covered acromio-clavicular joint extensively ranging from its anatomy, affections of the joint, symptomatology, diagnostic modalities and the most recent advances in surgical techniques while treating the affections of the AC-joint. The symposium had clear guidelines on approach to ACJ pathologies and it was a very well-planned and organized webinar. I feel this symposium is the ‘need of the hour’, especially for postgraduate residents and young upcoming arthroscopy surgeons to understand ACJ. The symposium was very lively, where the legends of Indian Arthroscopy shared vast clinical and surgical experiences that they have gained in their entire career. At last, all I wish to say is ‘IT IS A MUST’……

Dr Ankur Goyal (SMAW 2023)

Basic knee arthroscopy workshop 2023 made it easy for young arthroscopic surgeon who are in their initial phase of learning and growing to learn the tips and tricks of knee arthroscopy from the legends of Indian arthroscopy and different technique to perform one procedure…. the main highlight was the live station where we got hands on experience of preparing the graft as we do on our ot table and the knowledge about the instrumentation used in knee arthroscopy… THIS KIND OF WORKSHOP IS A MUST FOR EVERY SURGEON TO BRUSH UP THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS

Dr. Mudit Mathur (SMAW-2024)

The Advanced Shoulder workshop covering Rotator Cuff tears provided valuable learning experience for both beginners and seasoned professionals in the field of arthroscopy . The workshop covered all essential topics, including the anatomy of the rotator cuff, latest surgical techniques for repair, post-operative rehabilitation, and potential complications along with a relive surgery demonstration by various national and international faculties. The delegates benefitted tremendously by participating in the hands-on workshop at the end of the session.
Overall SMAW workshop is a great opportunity for every orthopaedic surgeon to learn about the latest advancements in the world of arthroscopy.

SMAW 2023 Conference Program


SMAW 2023 Scientific Program


SMAW 2023 Workshop Registration




19th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2023


17th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2021


16th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2020


15th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2019


14th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2018


13st Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2017


12th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2016


11th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2015


10th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2014


9th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2013


8th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2012


7th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2011


6th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2010


5th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2009


4th Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2008


3rd Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2007


2nd Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2006


1st Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Workshop 2005